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World Wide Electronic NewsStands

 The ISVnews is available each month on selected Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)
 around the world in addition to Compuserve. The following is the current
 listing of system upon which the ISVnews can be obtained. If your a Clipper
 oritentated BBS and would like to become a Newstand refer to the CONTACT
 menu for contact information.

. Compuserve 

  CA-Clipper Forum           GO CLIPPER                Library 17

. United States 

  ClipBoard BBS              San Francisco, CA         (415) 239-0454  
  SuccessWare BabbleBoard    Temecula, CA              (909) 694-6891  
  Omicron Software           Powhatan, VA              (804) 598-2871  
  Group One                  Chicago, IL               (312) 752-1258  
  The File Bank BBS          Fallbrook, CA             (619) 728-4318  
  ObjectDB BBS               Princton, NJ              (609) 587-5330
  Frontline Software BBS     Arlington, TX             (817) 695-0058

. Canada 

  Loesgen Software BBS       Toronto, Ontario          (416) 784-9712  
  Occular Malice             Vancouver, B.C.           (403) 254-8689

. Germany 

  SoftSol BBS                Hamburg, Germany          +49 40 766-5527 

. Australia 

  ClipBoard BBS              Melbourne, Australia      +61 03 752-3931 
                                                       +61 03 752-3935   

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson